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1)    Definitions

a)      “The business” trades as Longberry Farm Glamping Ltd. and is referred to here as Longberry Farm


2)    Bookings & Cancellations

a)      Bookings can be made online via our website or by e-mail at However bookings are made, these Terms and Conditions apply.

b)      A booking is only confirmed once Longberry Farm has received a non-refundable booking deposit and sent an e-mail confirmation to your designated e-mail address.

c)      We offer a cooling off period of 21 days (for bookings made 12 weeks or more in advance of your stay) in which you can cancel your booking and receive a full refund of your booking deposit.  All bookings cancelled after 21 days from the date of receipt of deposit payment will forfeit their booking deposit in full.

d)      Bookings made less than 12 weeks in advance of the stay do not qualify for the 21 day cooling off period and booking deposits are non-refundable once paid.

e)      All bookings made which take advantage of our discounted rate for payment in full upfont, will be liable to loose the whole amount paid upfront if a booking is cancelled after the 21 day cooling off period.

f)       For bookings where our instalment payment option is chosen, we reserve the right to cancel a booking, without refund, if any instalment is overdue by 14 days or more.

g)      Any cancellations will be liable to payment of the outstanding balance. The minimum stay fee will be due in full unless Longberry Farm is able to rebook the dates. Longberry Farm reserves the right to charge admin and advertising fees for reselling the dates as applicable.

h)      A security / damage deposit of at least £500 is required for all bookings.

i)       Payments may be made using bank transfer or by credit or debit card. No extra charge is made for any form of payment.

j)       We strongly recommend that you take out an appropriate insurance policy at the time of booking which will protect you should you need to cancel your event for any reason.

k)      Longberry Farm reserves the right to request the details of all people in your party including names and ages at any time before or during your stay. This information may be required for insurance purposes.

l)       Longberry Farm reserves the right to refuse or cancel a booking for any reason.


3)    Your Stay

a)      Check In/Out times are stated on your “Welcome Pack” email

b)      Upon check-out the accommodation is to be left clean and tidy. All items used during your stay must be washed before departure and put back where they were found. We ask that you leave the tent as you found them. All rubbish should be placed in the large green and orange bin at the front gate.

c)      By booking a stay with Longberry Farm you agree to leave all equipment, tents, furniture and furnishings in the same state you found them, and to leave the site clean and tidy when you depart.

d)      Longberry Farm reserves the right to charge the cost for repair or replacement should any facilities, equipment, or inventory be wilfully or excessively damaged.

e)      Parking is provided free of charge at Longberry Farm.

f)       Cars are strictly to be parked within the designated parking area only, cars are not permitted onto the grass and cannot be parked beside the accommodation.

g)      Cars parked in the car park are left entirely at the owners risk, Longberry Farm accepts no liability for cars left in the car park.


4)    Pets

a)      Well behaved and fully trained dogs are allowed to stay at no extra cost.

b)      Dogs must be properly supervised at all times, must not be on the dangerous dogs list and must not cause a nuisance or threat to anyone.

c)      Dogs must be kept on the lead at all times whilst on site, this is for the benefit of other site users who may not be comfortable with dogs and for the sake of the livestock in the fields.

d)      You must fully clear up your dogs mess throughout the entire site.

e)      Dogs are not allowed on any of the beds.

f)       Please provide your own dogs bedding and bowls.

g)      Any damage deemed to be caused by dogs will be charged for.

h)      Longberry Farm reserves the right to ask you to leave at any time and without prior notice if your dog causes an unacceptable amount of noise disturbance or if you do not clear up after your dog. No refund will be offered in this case.


5)    Responsibilities

a)      The lead guest named on the booking is ultimately responsible for the behaviour of the group and any damages that may occur whilst the group is on site.

b)      Noise must be kept to a minimum. Noise travels far in the countryside and we ask that you respect our neighbours peace and quiet.

c)      If you cause a disturbance and continue to do so after being asked by us to stop, Longberry Farm reserves the right to ask you to leave at any time and without prior notice. No refund will be offered in this case.

d)      Children are the sole responsibility of the adults in their party at all times.

e)      Extra care must be taken around the ponds/streams and near any fires/naked flames.

f)       The structure of trees around the site cannot be guaranteed and therefore should not be climbed.

g)      Fires are only permitted in the fire pits provided.

h)      Fire pits must be kept at least 3 meters from the accommodation at all times.

i)       All tea light candles must be kept in the lanterns provided and used outdoors only.

j)       Gas bottles for the BBQs must not be tampered with.

k)      If the bottled gas runs out, please make a member of Longberry Farm staff aware of the fact and allow us to change the gas bottle.

l)       Fire fighting equipment is provided in each accommodation. This is only to be used if you are sure it is completely safe to do so.

m)     Longberry Farm accepts no liability for any potential damage or injuries sustained whilst on site.

n)      There is a complete no smoking policy inside of all structures at Longberry Farm.

o)      Longberry Farm accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any personal belongings on site. The nature of the accommodation means that they cannot be locked and therefore no valuables should be left unattended.

p)      Strictly no fireworks, sparklers or Chinese lanterns are allowed on site.

q)      We have a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs, any evidence of drug use discovered during or after your stay will be reported to the police.

r)       Any confetti or glitter must be biodegradable for the sake of the wildlife and environment.


6)    Hot Tub

a)      For your safety and enjoyment, please ensure that you and your entire group reads this section on safe and appropriate hot tub use. 

b)      If you decide to use the hot tub you do so at your own risk and Longberry Farm cannot accept any responsibility for any health problems that may result from its use.

c)      Do not use if pregnant or if you have any heart problems.

d)      Children under the age of 12 should not use the Hot Tub.

e)      Children under 16 using the Hot Tub must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

f)       Persons using medication should consult their doctor before using the Hot Tub. Some medications may cause drowsiness, do not use the Hot Tub if your medication induces drowsiness, affects your heart rate, blood pressure or circulation.

g)      Persons suffering from obesity, heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems, or diabetes should consult a doctor before using the Hot Tub.

h)      Do not stay in the Hot Tub for more than 20 minutes – take a break after this time. Hot water can affect your heart rate. Prolonged immersion in hot water can result in hyperthermia – a dangerous condition that occurs when the internal body temperature exceeds 37 degrees centigrade. Symptoms include,  unawareness of impending hazard, failure to perceive heat, failure to recognise the need to exit the Hot Tub, unconsciousness resulting in danger of drowning.

i)       Please take a shower prior to entering the Hot Tub, this helps to keep the water clean whilst being used.

j)       Test the water with your hand before entering the Hot Tub to make sure it is comfortable. 

k)      Avoid being under the influence of, or consuming alcohol when using the Hot Tub.

l)       Do not drink the water.

m)     Do not smoke, drink or use detergent or soaps of any kind inside the Hot Tub.

n)      Do not use any glass wear in the Hot Tub.

o)      Do not allow any pets in the Hot Tub.

p)      Do not jump into the Hot Tub.

q)      Be careful when using the steps as the may become slippery when wet.

r)       Do not stand on the tub cover.

s)      Please replace the Hot Tub cover when not in use to maintain the temperature.

t)       Do not empty the hot tub of water.

u)      To avoid any damage to the Hot Tub the water level must be maintained to above the jets, if the water level drops please notify a member of staff who will add water to the correct level.

v)      It is your responsibility to abide by these terms & conditions and seek advice from Longberry Farm staff if in any doubt.

w)     Any damage caused to the Hot Tub will be charged for.


7)    Damage Deposit

a)      A refundable damage deposit of £500 is required for every booking and will be refunded back onto the card you paid with within 7 days of departure if our terms and conditions are met. 

b)      Damage Deposits will be secured automatically on the day of your arrival – the card used for the balance payment will be used to secure the £500 damage deposit.

c)      Guests are required to take good care of the property and its contents and leave all spaces clean and tidy on the day of departure. All or part of the security deposit will be forfeited if during the hire period there are any breakages or damage caused to any area of the site, furniture or equipment or if after the guests have vacated the premises the property requires additional cleaning beyond what would be reasonably expected.

d)      Guests would be required to reimburse Longberry Farm Glamping Ltd if the total amount of damage and/or extra cleaning charges exceeds the amount of the damage deposit held. If during your stay we become concerned as to the extent of any damage, breakages or disturbance, we reserve the right to insist that guests vacate the site. If this action is taken, it shall be deemed the rental of the property has immediately come to an end and neither the guests nor anybody within the group shall be entitled to a refund or any compensation.

e)      Please do let us know about any breakages or damage, however minor, so that we can arrange to replace/repair the items in time for the arrival of the next guests - we don’t always charge for minor breakages if reported to us before departure.


8)     Longberry Farm reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time and without prior notice. 


9)     The most recent and relevant Terms & Conditions will always be available on our website ( or upon request.


10)   Upon making payment and booking a stay at Longberry Farm you are hereby accepting our Terms & Conditions in full and therefore take complete responsibility for any loss or injury that may occur as a result of your stay.


11)   Longberry Farm will in no way be held responsible for any loss or injury whatsoever resulting from any aspect your stay.


12)   We strongly advise that ALL guests take out comprehensive travel insurance to cover possible cancellation costs and your stay at Longberry Farm. If you choose not to then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.


  1. Longberry Farm is not liable for refunds or expenses you incur in the event they are prevented from fulfilling your booking as a result of circumstances beyond their control. Such circumstances shall include (but not be limited to) war, terrorism, riots or civil unrest, industrial action, flooding, natural disaster, epidemics, pandemics, health risks or such similar events ("Force Majeure"). We recommend that you have adequate holiday insurance in place to cover this.        

Welcome Pack      Last updated: 19th March 2024

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